About Green Accessories

About 6 years now, Green Accessories has been developing and refining brands, mainly in the apparel fashion industry. We are the global destination for trims, branded packaging and supply chain solutions. It was intercepted in the year 2015 as Trims and Accessories firm, and we have quickly evolved to be the most trusted solution provider with comprehensive expertise in matters apparel accessories.

Since our establishment in 2015, we have been on a journey since 2004 as a sister concern of Green Accessories. Now, we have established ourselves as a finest Trims and Accessories manufacturer based in Bangladesh and provide our services around the globe.

One of the things that makes Green Accessories. go-to Label Printing for all the manufacturing and supplier of brand concepts, products, and graphics solutions to all the successful partners in the general retail supply chain is the fact that they are dedicated to sustainable trims and accessories. Our experienced production and service teams work closely with clients to offer high-quality brand solutions, from Heat Transfer Label, to Woven Label, and all Label solutions.

Our pride is quality, our price is integrity